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2023 Ballot Initiatives - Week 2

Published Oct 05, 2023 by Taylor Landin

Bayou Houston

In the weeks before early voting, 大休斯顿伙伴关系将分享影响Hga010皇冠软件下载地区的2023年投票倡议的重要信息. This week, we focus on state Propositions 8 and 10, 这将使德克萨斯州扩大其宽带基础设施,并在吸引医疗和生物医药制造业方面更具竞争力. We will also go deeper into Harris County’s bond proposal, which would upgrade and enhance the hospital district’s facilities. 

Prop 8: Bridging Texas' digital divide

Equitable access to reliable, high-speed broadband provides economic opportunities to all Texans, and investment in broadband expansion enables local communities to thrive. However, U.S. Census Bureau data indicate almost 2.8 million Texas households and 7 million people lack broadband access.

To close this digital divide, Proposition 8 creates the constitutionally dedicated Broadband Infrastructure Fund (BIF). The BIF will assist in financing connectivity projects and invest $1.5 billion toward expanding broadband infrastructure around the state, enabling Texas to successfully draw down funds from the federal Broadband Equity, Access, & Deployment (BEAD) Program.

If approved by the voters, Proposition 8 will ensure our communities remain connected, competitive, and adaptable in the face of whatever challenges and opportunities tomorrow may bring.

Prop 10: Boosting Texas' medical manufacturing competitiveness

As Texas strives to become a hub for life sciences, Hga010皇冠软件下载的州需要成为一个对医疗和生物医药行业的公司更具吸引力的地方. 

数据显示:德州是医疗和生物医药制造业有效税率最高的州之一, taxing these businesses over 28%. For comparison, none of Texas’ largest competitors taxes the same industry more than 13.5%. 

第10号提案是一项宪法修正案,旨在免除医疗和生物医学制造商的库存和设备税, therefore reducing the effective tax rate for these manufacturers. If voters approve Proposition 10, 德州将对现有的医疗和生物医药制造商更具吸引力,以扩大规模,同时也将吸引来自全国和世界各地的新创新者来到德州. 

Harris County Prop A: One step closer to urgent expansion

The Harris Health System, our county’s hospital district, has provided care and served the residents of Harris County for nearly six decades. 作为县里的安全网护理系统并运营Hga010皇冠软件下载两个一级创伤中心之一, the system is an integral part of our health care ecosystem. 

数据显示:哈里斯县的人口在过去30年里翻了一倍多,达到近500万居民, while the facilities run by Harris Health have decreased in capacity, and many are nearing the end of their lifespans. 几十年来人口的急剧增加使得需要额外的一级创伤中心, 尤其是位于德克萨斯医疗中心外的一个,对所有居民来说都更容易到达. 

Harris County Proposition A seeks voter approval of a $2.5 billion bond issuance for constructing a new Level I Trauma Center, a new hospital, and other upgrades and investments in the Harris Health system’s facilities. 

Important Election Information: 
View the Greater Houston Partnership’s Ballot 2023 Initiative Guide before you head to the polls. 
Important Election Information: 

  • Last day to register to vote: Oct. 10
  • Early Voting: Oct. 23 – Nov. 3
  • General Election Day: Nov. 7
  • You may find more information on voting and polling locations here.


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The U.S. 美国交通部(DOT)授予哈里斯县和休斯顿-加尔维斯顿地区委员会(H-GAC) 1000多万美元,用于支持旨在增强应对气候变化能力的交通基础设施项目.   The announcement is part of the Biden-Harris Administration's broader initiative, the Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient and Cost-saving Transportation (PROTECT) program, established under the Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act. PROTECT will fund nearly $830 million in grants for 80 projects nationwide.   According to DOT, Harris County will receive more than $9.600万美元用于制定总体规划,评估该县未合并地区内当地道路的排水基础设施能力,这些地区正在经历快速增长和频繁的洪水. Meanwhile, H-GAC is set to receive $1.为易受恶劣天气影响的八县地区的交通系统制定一项弹性改善计划, natural disasters and flooding.   “Every community in America knows the impacts of climate change and extreme weather, 包括全国各地越来越频繁的暴雨和洪水事件,以及海平面上升淹没沿海各州的基础设施,” said Shailen Bhatt of the Federal Highway Administration in a statement. “拜登-哈里斯政府的这项投资将确保Hga010皇冠软件下载的基础设施能够抵御更频繁、更不可预测的极端天气, 对于依赖道路和桥梁开放来保持经济发展的人们和企业来说,哪一点至关重要.”   As a city that has experienced six federally declared flooding disasters since 2015, these projects are critical to Houston’s prosperity. To further advance public policies like PROTECT, the Greater Houston Partnership recently visited Washington, D.C., 倡导使用新的社区发展整体拨款缓解(CDBG-MIT)计划的资金, which would provide billions of dollars for flood mitigation projects in the Houston region.  Additionally, alongside federal, state and local elected officials, the Partnership has actively been working to propel the coastal barrier project, also known as Ike Dike, forward. This crucial infrastructure project, which is on the verge of being authorized by Congress, 是否有助于减轻灾难性风暴潮造成的严重洪灾,并通过保护脆弱社区,节省数百亿美元的灾难恢复资金. The barrier will also safeguard the Houston Ship Channel, which serves as an economic engine helping to power the nation.   Learn more about the Partnership’s Public Policy Efforts.  
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2023 Ballot Initiatives - Week 1

In the weeks before early voting, 大休斯顿伙伴关系将分享影响Hga010皇冠软件下载地区的关键投票倡议的基本信息. This week, we focus on state propositions 5 and 6, 让德州投资高等教育系统,改善日益恶化的水利基础设施. The 2023 Ballot On November 7, Texas will hold a statewide general election, allowing voters to decide on 14 to the state’s constitution. Since Houston will be the only major city in Texas conducting local elections, Houston voters will disproportionately impact the statewide results. In this general election, Texas could invest in its higher education system, improve deteriorating water infrastructure, expand equitable broadband access, and incentivize biomedical manufacturing and job creation. In addition, Harris County could receive much-needed funds to enhance and expand the Harris Health System. Proposition 5: Boosting Texas Universities with $3.4B Fund 一个强大的受过大学教育的人才管道对于吸引能够在未来几十年为经济提供动力的公司和投资正变得越来越重要. 德克萨斯州只有两所全国排名前50的公立大学:德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(排名第9)和德克萨斯A大学&M (ranked 20th). Consequently, Texas is ranked 23rd nationally in the number of students attending a top 50 public university.  目标是将德州其他大学提升至前50名,提高德州的竞争力, the 2023 Legislature passed House Bill 1595 and House Joint Resolution 3, which will establish the Texas University Fund (TUF). The TUF is a permanent $3.40亿美元的研究基金,每年将拨出1亿美元给德克萨斯州的四所公立大学, including the University of Houston.  重要性:这项历史性的投资将通过提供必要的资金来提高德州大学的全国排名,从而加强德州的高等教育机构, which will help the state attract top talent and reduce “brain drain.” Additionally, it will allow Texas schools to compete for federal research grants, secure private research funding, drive increased alumni support, and position Texas as a top destination for premier higher education.   What’s next: Establishing the fund is contingent on voters passing Proposition 5. 该伙伴关系敦促支持建立德克萨斯大学基金的宪法修正案, 这将扩大所有德州学生的教育机会,并加强该州的经济. Proposition 6: One positive step toward addressing looming water challenges According to the most recent State Water Plan, the population in Texas is expected to grow by 73 percent from 2020 to 2070, while the water demands are projected to rise by nine percent. Meanwhile, the existing water supply is expected to decline by around 18 percent. The result would be a crisis-level water shortage of 6.9 million acre-feet per year by 2070. To address this need, the Texas Legislature passed a constitutional amendment to establish the New Water Supply Fund, the Texas Water Fund, 以及全州水务公众意识账户,并向全州摇摇欲坠的水务基础设施投入资金. 该措施将使该州能够承担新的水利基础设施项目,从而有助于解决未来的水资源短缺问题, thereby increasing access to water for residents.   What’s next: Establishing these funds and funding is contingent on voters passing Proposition 6. 该伙伴关系敦促支持宪法修正案,设立德克萨斯水基金,以协助资助德克萨斯州的水项目. Important Election Information: Early Voting: Oct. 23 – Nov. 3 General Election Day: Nov. 7 Find more information on voting and polling locations. 在休斯敦查找由大休斯顿伙伴关系支持的每项投票措施的更多信息.org/2023ballot.
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